Wytham Woods : All Pages
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Wytham Woods Research Application Form
News from the Woods
Wytham Studio
Citizen Science
Wytham Woods documentary scoops national award
March Closure Dates
Mammal Detectives at Wytham Woods
Deer: A Conservationist’s Friend or Foe
Holding an event
Badger Watching Update
What's on
Learn to Identify Bees at Wytham Woods
Oxfordshire Badger Group Badger Watching
The Laboratory with Leaves... Part 12
The Laboratory with Leaves … Part 11
National Moth Night - Moth Trapping Event
Oak tree: Nature's Greatest Survivor featuring Wytham Woods
Wytham Woods Walk - Oxford Open Doors
Closure notice
Closure notice
Wytham's Nature A - Z
Amethyst Deceiver (Laccaria amethystina)
Blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus)
Chestnut moth (Conistra vaccinii)
Dogwood (Cornus sanguinea)
Earwig (Forficula auricularia)
Fallow deer (Dama dama)
Grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)
Holly (Ilex aquifolium) and Ivy (Hedera helix)
Jay (Garrulus glandarius)
King Alfred Cakes (Daldinia concentrica)
Lords and Ladies (Arum maculatum)
Mole (Talpa europaea)
Nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
Oak Marble Gall Wasp (Andricus kollari)
Parasitoid wasp (Syntretus lyctaea)
Closure notice
Blue plaque unveiled at Wytham Woods
Women in Science Day
The Laboratory with Leaves (part 13): Walls
Holloway: Robert Macfarlane & Stanley Donwood in conversation
The Laboratory With Leaves (Part 14): Badgers
Wytham Tit project
Wytham: a woodland showcase for world-class research
Judi Dench: My Passion for Trees
WildCRU’s Badger Project
Closure notice
An exhibition in The Barn gallery of photography by Elizabeth Lettmann
Sylvan Cinema
Tracking ash dieback from the skies
Free: Walk and Talk with the Conservator
Sylvan Cinema:
Free: Badger Watching 11th May 2018
Free: Badger Watching 10th May 2018
Free: Badger Watching 8th May 2018
FREE: The Woods Come to Town
Wytham Woods featured in BBC Wildlife magazine
Wytham Woods permit and map revamped
Points of interest
Volunteers sought for Anagama kiln firing
The Woods in Spring (afternoon)
The Woods in Spring (evening)
Marley Fen Walk
Woods get ready for Artweeks
Mammal Detectives
75 Years of Science Exhibition
Privacy notice
Long-term Observations and Experiments Day
21 July: Bee Survey
3 Aug: Bee Survey and Butterfly Count
75th Anniversary Closing Celebration
26 July: Bee and Wildflower Survey
1 Sept: Bee and Wildflower Survey
10 Aug: Bee Survey
Wytham Project: Music and Sounds of the Woods
24 Aug: Bumblebee Walk
29 Sept: Bee Survey
Closure notice
Closure notice
Closure notice
Video Launch - 75 Years in Wytham Woods
Wytham hedge and noticeboards restored
Halloween at the Woods
Mystery and Magic in the Woods
Oxford University's Woodland Laboratory with Miranda Krestovnikoff
Quince (Cydonia oblonga)
Bluebell Walk
Understanding and Promoting Pollinators
A year in the life of Wytham Woods
23 March: Bee and Wildflower Survey
20 April: Bee and Wildflower Survey
12 May: Bee and Wildflower Survey
Badger Watching 7th May 2019
Badger Watching 9th May 2019
Badger Watching 10th May 2019
19 May: Bee and Wildflower Survey
9 June: Bee and Wildflower Survey
16 June: Bee and Wildflower Survey
7 July: Bee and Wildflower Survey
4 Aug: Bee and Wildflower Survey
18 Aug: Bee and Wildflower Survey
8 Sept: Bee and Wildflower Survey
20 April: Butterfly Walk
Writer in Residence on the way to Wytham Woods
27 April: Butterfly Walk
27 April: Solitary Bee Nestbox Walk
18 May: Solitary Bee Nestbox Walk
22 June: Solitary Bee Nestbox Walk
13 July: Solitary Bee Nestbox Walk
28 April: Oxford City Nestbox Walk
25 May: Oxford City Nestbox Walk
29 June: Oxford City Nestbox Walk
27 July: Oxford City Nestbox Walk
A Buzz In The Woods
Moth Night
19 May: Butterfly Walk
1 June: Butterfly Walk
22 June: Butterfly Walk
7 July: Butterfly Walk
9 June: Butterfly Walk
20 July: Butterfly Walk
3 Aug: Butterfly Walk
10 Aug: Butterfly Walk
15 June: Moth Night
20 July: Moth Night
National Moth Night
Woodland Words
The First Writer in Residence
‘A Buzz in the Woods’
28 July: Bee Survey
14 July: Bee and Wildflower Survey
6 October: Bee and Wildflower Survey
New lab with leaves videos released
4 Aug: Butterfly Walk
The Wytham Ecosystem and Climate Change
Fungus Foray
Woodland Closure 1 - 4 November
Woodland Closure 17 - 20 January
Woodland Closure
Spider Identification Day
Ramsons (Allium ursinum)
25 Aug: Wildflower Survey
Oxford Open Doors Walk
14 Sept: Butterfly Walk
29 Sept: Butterfly Walk
22 Sept: Bee and Wildflower Survey
The Wytham Ecosystem and Climate Change Poetry
Fungus Foray with Richard Fortey
Hiring our space
Wytham Woods involvement in UK-wide genome project confirmed
The Poetry of Badgers
Wytham Woods featured in Spectator Christmas Story
A Centenary of Outdoor Education
Drone Flying
New Art Project coming to the Woods
The Woods in Winter
Wytham Woods and COVID-19 - an update
Marley Fen
Wytham Genome project
Indirect Signs of Presence
The Wytham Studio
John Blandy
Maga Esberg
Woodland Arts
Susan Neale
The Woods of Hazel Poetry Booklet Launched
Summer 2020
Bicycle Boy
Beneath the Surface
Contemporary Music at Wytham
Walking permit application form
Research Update
How has lockdown affected Oxford''s Wytham Woods?
Making videos in the Woods
School fieldwork
Poetry workshop for teenagers
Educational Visit Application Form
Natural History and Communication project 2020-21
Insect Science & Art Workshop
Pollinator Monitoring
Residency Theme: Trees
Winter Workshops
Patterns in the Past
Two new Laboratory of Leaves episodes published
Special firing underway at the Anagama kilns in Wytham Woods
Ash, Ember, Flame
Watercolour Demonstration
Woods atmospheric sensors pick up Tonga eruption pressure wave
Woodland Trust helps create new woodland on the Wytham Estate
The Queen's Green Canopy
Science Futures to make Glastonbury debut
Wytham Education Project receives recognition from Vice-Chancellor
'A Guide to Wytham Woods' published
Compartment Gallery
Behind the scenes at the Raindrop Experiment
Education Blog
Secondary Schools
How To Look After Your Acorn
Bear Wood project announced
Autumn Painting Demonstration
Secondary School Fieldwork
BugBlitz! Primary school workshops in biodiversity at Wytham Woods
Smooth Newt (Lissotriton vulgaris)
Treecreeper (Certhia familiaris)
Nettles (Urtica dioica)
Velvet Mite (Trombidium holosericeum)
Wool carder bee (Anthidium manicatum)
Candlesnuff fungus (Xylaria hypoxylon)
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
Zebra spider (Salticus scenicus)
The Wytham Book Club
Education Update
Woodland Walk / Nature & Climate Book Chat
Laser scanning of Wytham Woods reveals carbon-storage capacity of trees is double the previous estimate
T-shirt printing workshop
T-shirt printing workshop
T-shirt printing workshop
Colour card print workshop
Colour card print workshop
Learn Linocut: 2 day course
Learn Linocut: 2 day course
Winter Tree ID Walk
Dawn Chorus
Wytham Wild Camp: April 2023
Seeking Wytham Woods' next Writer in Residence
Being for Beginners - June 2023
Wytham Writing Club, March 2023
Wytham Writing Club, April 2023
Wytham Woods team Highly Commended in Vice-Chancellor’s Professional Services Awards
Badger Watching 5 May 2023
Badger Watching 4 May 2023
Badger Watching 2 May 2023
Youth Educator Kim Polgreen receives High Sheriff of Oxfordshire's Award
Wytham supports UNESCO ceramics project
'Science Futures' Returns to Glastonbury
Wytham Writing Club
Wytham Writing Club
Wytham Writing Club
Wytham Writing Club
Wytham Writing Club
Wytham Writing Club
Wytham Writing Club
Wytham Wild Camp
Penny Boxall appointed as Writer in Residence
New kiln built at Wytham by expert potter Svend Bayer
Bear Wood: From Acorns to Saplings!
Drone provides detailed data about the onset of spring in the Woods.
The Wytham Estate: Histories and Communities Study Day
'Trees of Life' Exhibition
Dr Keith Kirby completes vegetation plot monitoring
Charlie Lee-Potter appointed Writer in Residence for 2024-25
Education Update - Autumn 2023
Wytham Wild Camp - Oct 2023
Behind the scenes: Student fieldwork at Wytham Woods
Autumn Adventures - for families and friends
Guided Tour of WW1 Practice Trenches
Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
Writer-in-Residence workshop: Through the Microscope
Writer-in-Residence workshop: Solstice Poetry Writing Workshop
Nature Learning Morning for Educators
Wytham Woods Book Group
Catch Wytham Woods on Countryfile on 5 November
Days of Chivalry
Rediscovered and soundtracked Wytham film to get world premiere at Phoenix
Wytham Woods: Use of cookies on this website
Tess Evans becomes Green Estate Research Coordinator
Leaving a gift in your Will
‘Replaying the Tape’ performance at Wytham Woods – 21 June
Wytham Woods Management Plan
Research Data
Decomposing Poems
Charlie Lee-Potter begins Wytham Woods writing residency
If you go down to the woods today...
Recent Research
Making Notebooks by Hand & An Acoustic Walk in the Woods